Work With Me.

Are you sitting on a goldmine? Hypothetical question. We already know the answer is yes.

Let me apply my blockbuster program goggles to your situation so you can see all that your program can be. Whether you have a simple assessment, a 10-part digital product, or a transformational digital experience with integrated physical products and services, you’re way beyond cookie-cutter solutions. I’ll help you come up with a unique killer vision—so you can make the business case, pitch deck, design brief, etc.

Your Mimimum Viable Magic strategy is the key to a successful program that can start small and scale to hundreds of thousands of participants over time. Get a specific doable path to streamline your program for market lift-off. First, we’ll single out your most compelling strengths and opportunities. Then I’ll show you how to execute the right things in the simplest way possible. Then you’ll begin to amplify what works.

Program development is linear and progresses through four main stages. Each stage has its own potential pitfalls to avoid as well as opportunities.

  1. In the Potential Idea stage, you need marketplace-informed vision for your big idea. I’ll show you what your program could be and review the next steps.

  2. In the Prototype stage, you need a roadmap to produce and test a lean minimum viable product designed for product-market fit.

  3. You’re in the Production stage if you need to make an actual thing, starting with a design brief of your signature system and lean assets. “Hey, I just need help fixing this one assessment, can we work on that?” If that’s you, I can help.

  4. In the Pivot stage, you may need to reposition to leverage current assets and opportunities.

I can provide guidance through all four of these phases.

The MVM process and what’s included:

First, we set up a 90-minute working session. Then I go away and wrap up in a short format with the Minimum Viable Magic document with your deliverables. Yours will be completely custom-tailored to your situation. We schedule a 30-minute implementation review to go over your results and next steps. The fee is $2,500.

Book a 20-minute call below to see if we’re a fit. I’ll ask you questions and personalize a Minimum Viable Magic scope for you so you’ll know exactly what you’ll get if you choose to go forward.

Introducing Minimum Viable Magic

The easy button to get your product off the ground & accelerate your cruising speed 

Yes, I want this.

Whether you’re in the planning stages for a new program or you’re considering a pivot, we can uncover your best next moves. Book a 20-minute call with Elissa Ashwood to review your situation and make sure this is a fit. After that call, if you opt to move forward, you can make your payment and book the 90-minute session. You will also get access to some resources to help you prepare. (No obligation—you can also just show up and let me guide you.)