Last-Mile Delivery
for Dreams

Launch a Behavior Change Program That Inspires 100 to 100k+ People to Never Give Up. We Build Lean Programs for Mission-Driven Companies. Your Next Big Thing Can Start Small.

As seen at:

“I’m all in—just not right now.”
—said everyone at week 2

So, you’re building the next StrengthsFinder for underserved zoomers. A body-inclusive Beach Body. A life re-imagination engine for people over 45. Whether you call it a program or a product, something is missing. More activities? You don’t know what you don’t know about building the right thing. What makes people enroll and get the transformation they came for?

What if you were just 90 days away from bringing a dream delivery machine to market?

Engage the 80% of participants who weren’t ready for massive action by normalizing each individual’s journey. Allow for a diverse range of goals and wins.

Build a small thing that becomes a big thing. Engineer progress into your program from day one. Measure for multiple outcomes at once.

Make big promises and know you’ll overdeliver. Participants are loving this. Guarantee success to your internal stakeholders, too.

People want big outcomes,

and small

$10 million in custom digital development won’t keep a single mom from dropping out of the program because her babysitter just cancelled again.

What will? Her own belief that she’s making progress toward her dream career every day. You may not need more activities. You need a personalized path for her to up-level her skills. So when she can’t attend a live résumé workshop Thursday night, it’s not a problem.

At Accomplishment Partners, we design programs that do that.

Snapshot from the future.

It’s Tuesday. The board wants a progress update on your program. Not only do you know the five kinds of result measurements to build into a program—they’re already installed. And you’ve got slides.


  • Spend years and millions of dollars in premium content development before someone pulls the plug in year 3. 

  • Assume the reason people don’t crush their goals is because they need more content, more activities, or more personal accountability.

  • Ask participants deeply personal questions, believing that publicly oversharing pain and trauma increases people’s commitment to the program.

  • Pepper participants with surveys, only to over-engineer something people ghost after the second module. 

  • Pack the program with activities, because more activities = more engagement = more results.

  • Burn through goodwill and cash trying to manufacture the next viral moment.



  • Get built in 90 days.

  • Attract people at the right stage in their journey, so you can grow what works into a breakout hit.

  • Design moments of integration and self-coaching into the experience, so people learn to connect with their own internal motivation & navigation systems.

  • Make people feel satisfied with their experience—this was worth it.

  • Allow for a broad cross-section of outcomes and grow organically thanks to daily transformations IRL.

  • Inspire people who weren’t ready for massive action by giving them ways to make progress every day.

  • Create motivation through joy & desire—not fear. (Crushing it is old-school. Crushing on it gets way better results.)

80% of people join programs in the contemplation phase. 

This is not a problem.

It’s an amazing opportunity.

Yet, so many programs shame people into giving up by requiring them to jump through hoops.

You don’t need another over-achievement program.

You need an Accomplishment Program.

People are opting out of surveys, forums, accountability partners, alarms, and reminders. They do not need more from you. They want you to help them do more for themselves.

The solution is not to make your promises smaller. You can deliver on big promises at scale.

Do this by normalizing each participant’s journey. Give individuals a renewed sense of purpose every day—through text, email, or video. When you give people ways to check in with themselves, they won’t forget why they came here or what they’re supposed to be doing. Your model delivers a personalized path to success.

Grass roots manipulation is dead.

Here’s how we do it.

Nail the user journey.

Move people to create results they didn’t think they were ready for.

This isn’t about lowering your expectations. It’s about expanding them. Create multiple paths to success by breaking the steps down into bite-sized pieces. Engage each participant with digital interactions that feel personal because they’re customized to the user journey.

Engineer wins, not viral moments.

Create organic growth through participant progress.

Engineer steady, consistent wins that create so much value for participants they start spreading the word on their own.

The program can evolve into the crown jewel of your portfolio.  

Deliver while learning.

You don't need to know all the answers.

Smart prototyping and building for adaptation gets a version out immediately.

You’re never far from knowing what people value most. Your audience is your best experience engineer.

Meet Elissa Ashwood 

Founder of Accomplishment Partners. Product advisor to terrific teams. Former creator of a funded motivation software tech company. Former Fortune-100 exec at Citi, Amex, AIG, consultant at McKinsey & Co, and PwC, specializing in developing people and organizations. 2x published book author by top academic press. MBA in Finance and Accounting. Lifelong advocate for dreams. Certified chocolatier, non-certified romance novelist.

The same foundations and frameworks that improved sales performance by 150% for a distributed sales team, that helped AARP create a life reinvention program, and that took a foundation’s assessment to 100,000+ completions, can be used to uplevel your program so it becomes your organization’s transformation mothership.

Here to guide you to deliver digital programs that improve your bottom-line performance while inspiring dreams and accomplishment at every level. 

It’s okay if 20% of participants had imposter syndrome for breakfast today. 

Everyone feels the win.
It’s company policy. (Because when they win, so do you.)

Deliver on your promises, guaranteed. 

Let’s build a program that inspires 100 to 100k people to change their lives.

  • "You came highly recommended so my expectations were really high. But this was a home run. You hit it out of the park."

    Brad Pace, Chief Experience Officer, SOAR

  • "We call Elissa the magic factory."

    Robin Smith, Senior Research Director, The DeBruce Foundation

  • "You know that scene in The Matrix when Neo sits down with the Oracle in her kitchen and she says exactly what he needs to hear? That's what talking with Elissa is like."

    Andrew Butcher, CEO, GTECH

  • "Elissa is a true find and any organization would gain tremendously from working with her. She brings innovations, ideas, new insights and creative ideas to the project. Breaking down major efforts into manageable deliverables and then creating materials that can be used by all was extremely valuable and helped gain traction far more quickly than if we had not engaged with her. I highly recognize Elissa to help bring new ideas to fruition."

    Anne Herbster, Senior Director, AARP

  • “Elissa combines a razor sharp intellect, honed at McKinsey and sharp well before that, with astonishing insights about and with people. She can be both a peer and a mentor to leaders of all ranks and experience. I have found her personal coaching insights invaluable, and her ability to engage on exactly the pivotal issues unsurpassed. Few people I have met possess her level of wisdom and insight.”

    David Hagar, Executive Coach and Leadership Programs Executive

  • "Elissa and I share a passion for self-improvement, not quick-fixes. She focuses on the bottom line, is a creative problem-solver and experiments with the best of ideas from a variety of different traditions. I'd recommend her to anyone looking to take the next step to becoming truly accomplished!"

    Dr. Christine Whelan, Professor of Human Ecology, University of Madison, WI

Think big, start small.

Let’s talk solutions.

  1. New or early-stage program? Nailing the last mile starts with mile one. Our process guarantees you’ll build the right program and take it to the finish line. Schedule a discovery call to see if it makes sense to build a 90-day product roadmap, where we’ll hone in on a product solution and implementation plan.

2. Existing program missing pieces or growing too slowly? We can help you boost enrollment—without over-engineering a whole new thing.